For each of the principles, the RKEEI resource currently being prepared will also include specific implications for key groups (researchers, professional staff and organisational leadership). In turn, these implications (phrased as questions) are the basis of self-assessment, reflection and planning take-away tools for each of the key groups. Development of an online training resource for researchers is also underway.
To cite the RKEEI Framework: Oancea, A., Marshall-Brown, A., Scott-Barrett, J., Cai, W., Kamphausen, L., McLeod, C., Polding, L., Watson, S. (2024) The Responsible Knowledge Exchange, Engagement and Impact (RKEEI) Framework and Principles.
About the RKEEI Project
The Responsible Knowledge Exchange, Engagement and Impact 2021-24 (RKEEI) project has brought together KEEI professionals and researchers in a series of workshops and interviews to conceptualise and support responsible knowledge exchange, engagement and impact practice and to co-create a resource and framework to support responsible KEEI practices. This resource has been developed through five strands of activity: strategic reviews of the literature, documentary analysis of strategic and operational university documents, interviews with research and culture change leaders (both academic and professional), co-production workshops to support the development of resources and training.
Funder Acknowledgement: Higher Education Innovation Fund, ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund, and the Research England Research Culture Fund.
Project Leads: Professor Alis Oancea and Aileen Marshall Brown
Project Postdoctoral Researcher: Dr Juliet Scott-Barrett
Previous Research Assistants: W. Cai , L. Kamphausen, C. Macleod, L. Polding, and S. Watson.
For an early introduction of the framework, see our article on the LSE Impact Blog: