Social Sciences Business Engagement Seed Fund

Funding to kick-start your business engagement


The Business Engagement Seed Fund is open to applications from social sciences researchers within the Social Sciences Division at the University of Oxford. This Fund has been created using funding from the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) – a maximum of £25,000 is available for this call.

We anticipate splitting this fund across a number of projects of approximately £8,000 each, at the discretion of the panel. Larger grants may be awarded if a project is felt to have significant impact potential. The division’s Research Impact and Engagement team can help if you need support evaluating potential impact.

The funding must be spent by 31 July 2025. All projects must end by that date and no extensions beyond that date will be possible.

Closing date for applications: 12pm, Thursday 16th January 2025. Award(s) announced: by 31st January 2025 (allowing six months per project for spend to be completed)

This page provides guidance on the application and selection process. If you require further advice, please contact

Note: Many departments have internal eligibility criteria, approval processes and other guidelines to which all applicants should adhere. Please consult your departmental administrator for internal deadlines and further information before submitting an application. Approval is required from the Head of Department for each proposal.

The aim of this seed funding is to support researchers in the initial stages of developing collaborations with business-related external stakeholders (private sector, industry bodies, not-for-profit organisations, etc) with the potential to advance the application of social science research in novel and innovative ways, to address key business and industrial challenges, and to explore new opportunities to engage business in the research agenda.

This seed fund could also support researchers in the development stages of large interdisciplinary research and innovations grants enabling them to bring industry organisations on board as project partners. It could also support engagement with the national and local industrial strategy e.g., by engaging with Local Authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs).

Examples of the types of activities eligible for support include:

  • Exploratory conversations: To enable researchers to travel for exploratory meetings with potential partners from within the university and externally to it and/or conduct sector specific market research. This fund can also support travel from external partners to Oxford.
  • Workshops: To set up and run workshops, including using professional facilitators where appropriate, that bring together academics and external partners to understand their business challenges or explore new sectors that may lead to future partnerships
  • Network events: To facilitate researchers attending relevant industry events to network with potential partners and/or identify opportunities to progress collaborative research projects. Or set up small-scale network events for potential industry partners and academics.
  • Projects: To enable researchers to kick-start projects/pilots, testing out ideas that may enable them to apply for large-scale funds in the future or explore and analysis markets to help identify relevant potential partners
  • Communications: To develop sector-based marketing materials or a series of blogs that raises awareness of the benefits of working collaboratively with social science research.

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution, this funding is designed to be flexible to your needs.

Applications demonstrating the following will be prioritised:

  • Academic track record – a high quality research base (commensurate with career stage) is vital for any knowledge exchange activity
  • Partnerships – proposals should either build on existing non-academic partnerships and/or demonstrate a realistic plan for establishing new partnerships
  • Format – an engaged, practical and appropriate project enabling two-way dialogue; innovative approaches are encouraged
  • Potential – applications showing the potential of the relationships to lead onto future collaboration/funding opportunities, or to create/accelerate impact
  • Value and appropriateness – projects are appropriate for the partner / organisation that they are seeking to engage, and demonstrate well-thought through use of available resources
  • Appropriate timeline – this funding is time sensitive. All project activity must be completed by the 31st July 2025. No extensions will be granted beyond that date.
  • Responsible Knowledge Exchange, Engagement and Impact – projects should demonstrate a responsible and inclusive approach to working with partners/users.

Desirable but not essential criteria:

  • Multi-/Inter-disciplinarity – applications with cross-divisional collaboration are strongly encouraged.


Applications should be submitted through IRAMS. Complete all the sections of the application in IRAMS and then upload a single PDF that includes the Case for Support cover sheet (available to download through SharePoint Online - SSO required), plus a Case for Support (please see below) and any letters/statements of support from partners you would like to include. Partner letters are optional but can give weight to your application where available.

While approval from your Head of Department (HoD) is required, we do not need to receive a letter of support from them. Please confirm the HoD approval with your departmental administrator ahead of the submission deadline.

If you would like advice on engaging partners or shaping your application, please contact the Innovation and Business Partnership Manager for Social Sciences via

Case for support

The case for support should be no more than two pages, and should include:

  • A summary describing the underpinning research and the background to the challenge/opportunity your proposal intends to address
  • Key aims and objectives of the project
  • An outline of the external partners/beneficiaries, and how you will engage with them
  • Anticipated outcomes and mutual benefits (for the researcher, the University, the partner or the sector)
  • A project plan, including timeline and expected deliverables

Please note, there is no template for the case support.

  • Applications are welcomed from members of any department or faculty of the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences Division.
  • Academics with a college-only or GLAM-only contract at the University of Oxford wishing to serve as Lead Researcher must apply via a department/faculty.
  • Awards can only be held in SSD departments or faculties, not in colleges, GLAM, or other divisions.
  • The Lead Researcher must be a current employee holding an academic post, or a Principal Investigator (PI) on a research contract awarded competitively and intended to enable the holder to establish an independent research career
  • A Lead Researcher on a fixed term contract must ensure their current contract extends significantly beyond the proposed project end date.
  • ECRs may apply as a Co-Lead Researcher, alongside an established academic researcher. (Note: ECRs are defined as being within five years of the submission of their doctoral thesis. The five year post-thesis window may be extended in particular circumstances e.g., extended periods of illness, parental leave, etc.).Current postgraduate students are not eligible to apply.
  • Retired and Emeritus Fellows are not eligible to apply unless a strong justification for the wider benefit is made.
  • All applications must include at least one external, non-academic partner.

If you are in any doubt of your eligibility, please contact for clarification. Note: Many departments have internal eligibility criteria, approval processes and other guidelines to which all applicants should adhere. Please consult your departmental administrator for internal deadlines and further information before submitting an application. Approval is required from the Head of Department for each proposal.

A maximum of £25,000 is available per proposal to fund directly incurred costs (funding covers 100% of direct costs), though we anticipate awards around £8,000 being made. Academics cannot charge their time or overheads under this funding. Eligible costs include, but are not limited to:

  • travel expenses for participants (internal and external)
  • venue and catering costs for meetings/workshops; costs associated with hosting online meetings
  • other event costs, e.g. printing, IT/AV support
  • support from a specialist facilitator (honoraria are not eligible)
  • administrative support or research assistance (but only if you do not have access to existing core departmental support staff and need to buy-in additional admin support/casual staff)
  • attendance at an industry related conference (attendance at an academic conference will not be eligible)

Efficiency, cost-effectiveness and value for money should be clearly demonstrated in the application. You are encouraged to describe your partner’s contribution (in cash and/or in-kind).

A detailed breakdown of the project costs, including Full Economic Costing (FEC), is required for all applications. This should be presented in the form of an admin output from the University’s costing and pricing software, X5. Please ask your departmental research administrator or finance officer to produce the X5 costing for you and ensure it is included as part of your combined PDF. The TOTAL requested in IRAMS should match the PRICE on your X5 costing output.

Payments will not be made for miscellaneous expenses or unspecified items. If you are unsure about the eligibility of a specific expense, please contact Please be mindful that this fund is intended to support the development of partnerships, not pay for services from a third party. If you are any queries on this point, please contact

NB: If you move to another university during the course of your project this funding will not transfer with you.

If successful, you will be issued with a letter by email communicating the terms and conditions of your award.

This funding is part of the Social Science Division’s allocation of Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) and we are required to report on the benefit of the funding. You will be required to submit a short final report by September 17th 2025.

This report should evaluate the project; demonstrate the impacts and benefits for both the researcher and the partner organisation; outline how the money was spent; and detail any future plans for ongoing engagement. We will contact you at the appropriate time to request the report and provide information on how to submit it.

Applicants in any doubt about their eligibility or any other aspect of their application are advised to contact